Teaching practice and the use of open educational resources to hope for a transformative education

A prática docente e a utilização de recursos educacionais abertos para o esperançar de uma educação transformadora


  • Patrícia Fonseca Ferreira Fleury PUCPR
  • Marilda Aparecida Behrens PUCPR
  • Raquel Pasternak Glitz Kowalski PUCPR




In the teaching routine, technologies are increasingly observed as an instrument of pedagogical mediation, which can favor new educational. The general objective of the research was to analyze together with doctoral professors, who attend the stricto sensu, the pertinence of using technologies and open educational resources as a learning object for the construction of knowledge based on a new educational conception. And as a problem: What is the importance of using technologies and open educational resources for a transformative pedagogical practice? The research used a qualitative action-research approach, with doctoral students in education at a large private institution in Curitiba, in which we sought to investigate the pertinence of building a pedagogical practice using technologies and open educational resources for a transformative education. As a result, it was possible to observe in the set of participants' reports that innovative pedagogical practices involve the student's protagonism and a teaching action based on dialogue through methodologies with the use of open educational resources that accompany and are part of this evolution.

Keywords: Pedagogical practices; Digital Technologies; Open educational resource; Transformative education


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Fleury, P. F. F. ., Behrens, M. A. ., & Kowalski, R. P. G. . (2024). Teaching practice and the use of open educational resources to hope for a transformative education: A prática docente e a utilização de recursos educacionais abertos para o esperançar de uma educação transformadora. Concilium, 24(8), 203–217. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3328-24H39


